Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Season Of Change

Fall is quite the season of change. The weather is cooler and the leaves are changing; it's a sight to see. Sweaters and jackets are becoming a must and pretty soon we'll be breaking out the scarves and gloves. Holidays are just around the corner and things are about to get busy.

During this busy season it's easy to forget things you have to do. Wouldn't it be nice if there was someone who could just come in and do it all for you? Do the grocery shopping, the cleaning, the yard work and anything else you can think of. While we may not be able to do all of those things for you, we can get your home comfort system ready for this weather change.

It may not even be something that crossed your mind, but it's something that you should get checked off your list. If your system has given you trouble in the past, or you just want to get it tuned up, we want to help. Just call us at 978-851-2486 or email us at teamtitanplumbing@yahoo.com and let us know. You can also fill out the form on our homepage and we will have someone contact you to schedule your appointment!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Ready for the Winter?

Let’s face it: It seems like it’s getting colder every year. As the temperatures go down, we depend more and more on our home comfort systems. If you’ve got a well-maintained, fairly new, energy-efficient home comfort system, you’re probably thinking “No problem. I’ve got this.” But if your heating and air conditioning system has struggled to make it through the last few winters, then you may be thinking something quite a bit different.

Your system may be trying to warn you of a bigger problem. You may have noticed inconsistent comfort, or even more repairs than usual. Your energy bills could even be higher due to your home comfort system underperforming. These colder temperatures are going to put more strain on your system and consume even more energy.

And as if that is not enough, we are also going to see an increase in natural gas prices to go along with these lower temperatures. If your system is not working to its full capacity, it can end up costing you a lot come this winter.

If you want some help beating these high natural gas prices, then we have some good information that’ll get you through this price surge. Check out our website, and call us to book your appointment today! You can also fill out our online form here.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Why We're Here

Most of you don’t call us just because you feel like chatting (unless our moms are reading this blog). Most of you get in touch with us because you have something on your mind. We’re glad that you do. 
We want to know whatever problem you’re experiencing with your home comfort, because we want to help solve it. That’s why we’re here. It’s to serve customers who want to be comfortable indoors, who want to breathe clean indoor air and who want to save on their energy bills.
We’re part of the air conditioning and heating industry for a reason. And it’s not because we’re afraid of hard work. This kind of residential contracting work that takes us into attics, basements and all other parts of the home on really hot days can get quite messy. But that is not a problem for us.
In fact, we like knowing that we’re going to make your life better and a lot more comfortable by the time we’re done with our service or installation. After all, it sure does feel great to restore someone’s air conditioning system on a very hot day – and see the relief on their face when they feel the relief in their cool home.
So, if we can ever be of service to you, be sure to let us know.We’re happy to help. Just fill out the form on our homepage or call us at 978-851-2486...That's why we're here!

Monday, August 4, 2014

How an A/C Tune-up Turns Back TIme

The parts and connections within your air conditioning system can loosen while it takes a breather during the heating season. Plus, while it’s not in use, dust collects on vital components. These are the natural processes that any kind of equipment would experience over time. However, the most important step you can take to remove these equipment “age spots” is to schedule a tune-up on your cooling system as you prepare for a hot summer.

Not only can a tune-up reset your equipment to its earlier high-performing condition, it can also bring out hidden problems that are increasing your energy costs and creating potential health and safety issues.  By doing so, tune-ups often pay for themselves many times over through energy savings as well as avoiding future repairs and improving indoor air quality.  
The federal Energy Star program says that your typical maintenance checkup for your cooling system should include the following:
·         Check thermostat settings to ensure consistent, energy-efficient cooling.

·         Tighten electrical connections, measure voltage and current on motors. As electrical connections become faulty, you can’t be assured safe operation. Plus, your major components will likely wear out sooner.

·         Lubricate all moving parts. Otherwise, these parts can cause friction and increase your electrical usage.

·         Check and inspect the condensate drain. Plugged drains can cause water damage and impact humidity levels – affecting both comfort and respiratory health.

·         Check your system controls to make sure it starts, operates and shuts off properly.

·         Clean evaporator and condenser air conditioning coils. When coils are dirty, the system has to run longer, which increases energy costs, reduces the life of the equipment and affects your comfort.

·         Check refrigerant level. Too much or too little refrigerant makes systems less efficient.

·         Clean and adjust blower components. Airflow problems can reduce system efficiency by up to 15 percent – and make it hard for you to stay comfortable.
To schedule your tune-up, please fill out the form on our homepage to request service. Or feel free to give us a call at 978-851-2486!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

How to be Energy Efficient In Your Home

Your home has several key areas most likely to become trouble spots and create issues for your home's energy performance. The Environmental Protection Agency's "green building" resources identifies some of the areas, which include:
Your home's envelope - Gaps and cracks in outer walls, ceilings, windows, doors and floors are entry points for letting in hot air in the summertime. By adding to the air flow - in some cases as much as an open window would create - they cause your cooling and heating system to work overtime. What can you do? Seal and insulate to cut down on energy loss and improve comfort. Also, consider installing energy-efficient windows and doors.
 Your cooling and heating system - Your home comfort system accounts for as much as half of your energy bill, so what happens here takes up a big part of your energy spending. What can you do? Suggestions include installing a programmable thermostat to maintain temperatures appropriate to the activity in the home, saving energy and preserving comfort. Also, make sure annual maintenance is performed on your system by a qualified contractor. Echoing the concerns about your home's envelope, sealing leaky ducts will improve your system's performance.
The right replacement system - The right equipment installed properly makes a huge difference as well. The EPA says, "Replacing your old heating and cooling equipment with new, energy-efficient models is a great start. But to make sure that you get the best performance, the new equipment must be properly installed. In fact, improper installation can reduce system efficiency by up to 30 percent - costing you more on your utility bills and possibly shortening the equipment's life."
Whole house retrofit - Pointing to another important solution, the EPA says, "Some homeowners, frustrated by high energy bills and uncomfortable homes, undertake a comprehensive solution to their energy efficiency problems. Rather than focusing on a single component, such as replacing single-paned windows, an old air conditioning system or leaky ductwork, a qualified contractor will examine how improvements to all of these components can work together to provide greater comfort and lower utility bills. By focusing on the whole house as a system, the contractor can provide the most cost-effective recommendations to improve the home."
We'd be happy to talk with you more about important issues of comfort and health. Just fill out this form on our Home Page , email us at teamtitanplumbing@yahoo.com or give us a call at 978-851-2486 to make your appointment.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Improving Indoor Air Quality

Many homeowners have begun to recognize that airtight homes along with daily life that tends to keep us inside most of the time are two factors leading to greater concern about the quality of our indoor air.
Just as energy-efficient building practices led to these developments, industry insiders continue to seek better air quality by improving the systems that heat and cool our homes.
You may have heard the stat that 90 percent of people spend most of their time indoors. But you may not realize that 65 percent of that time is spent in our own homes. That's a stat shared by ASHRAE.

Industry Solutions Ahead
ASHRAE, or the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, has been an industry voice on the subject of indoor air quality.
"Acknowledging reports that air quality inside homes can be worse than outside, engineers have identified ways to move air in and out of homes to minimize the factors that lead to indoor air quality problems," the association said. "The key is to design HVAC and other systems to work together to effectively ventilate homes and minimize sources of indoor pollution."
As they work to create standards that improve home comfort systems now and in the future, there are also some steps you can take right now to make breathing easier.
What You Can Do:
Removing the source of the pollutant and increasing ventilation are standard solutions for homeowners addressing indoor air quality. These activities include:
Improve Ventilation - Make sure your bathrooms, kitchens, laundry areas and fireplaces are appropriately vented to the outside. Minimize use of unvented sources of indoor air pollutants, such as cigarette smoke, candles and indoor grills.
Store Chemicals with Care - Household cleaning products that contain toxins, pesticides and paint solvents should be kept away from your living space.
Filter and Clean Air - Keep clean filters in your HVAC system, changing them regularly. Also, consider upgrading to a system with a built-in air cleaner.
Open Windows - When weather permits, open your windows to increase air exchange, especially when working with hobby solvents or household cleaning products.  
We hope you found this information useful and helpful. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us at the number below or fill out the form on our website. And as always, please feel free to share with friends and family.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Our buddy, Caiden, wins the Olympics!

Team Titan is happy to announce that our little buddy, Caiden Carrol (one of our recent Pay it Forward recipients), took part in the Massachusetts Special Olympics this past week. Caiden competed in the 25 meter assisted walk with the help of his special needs volunteer, cousin, and loving friend Kylee Harris.

Together they sedulously raced and wound up winning first place! Way to win the gold Caiden! We are so proud of you! Check out the photo of our dear friend on the podium.

If you are interested in learning more about his constant struggle with Angelman Syndrome and would like to help, check out his Gofundme page at the following link: http://www.gofundme.com/57i3i8. At this site you can help Caiden and his family get the care and safe housing required to ensure he has the best future possible. Also, if you would like to read more about our Pay It Forward program, check out our website and make a nomination; http://teamtitanplumbing.com/community.html.

Everyone here at Titan is so proud to give our help to such a wonderful cause. Anything you could do to help would be greatly appreciated for this loving boy and his great family.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Is Dust Causing a Problem?

It’s funny how a simple little thing like dust can cause so much trouble – especially for those prone to allergies and respiratory ailments. It can affect the quality of your indoor air as it collects, and even as it gets cleared away.

Backing up a minute, dust isn’t actually one single thing. It’s a combination of substances, including human skin cells, pet dander, fabric fibers and your basic dirt and debris. All these substances gather together to form dust which gathers on lamp shades, end tables, tops of refrigerators and pretty much everywhere else.

Your electronics like to collect dust. So does your furniture, your door frames, baseboards, even ceilings. Keeping these spots dust-free helps reduce allergies that flare up indoors.
...But How do you figure out if there is a Dust Storm in your home?

It’s not that anyone actually likes dust. But those with sensitive respiratory systems respond to it far more poorly than other people do. In fact, they might have a dust allergy. It kicks into gear after a round of vacuuming, sweeping and – yes – dusting. And the allergy signs of runny eyes, nose and sneezing pop up – or even move into asthma symptoms, such as wheezing and shortness of breath.

The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology says there are several things homeowners can do to reduce house dust allergens that are causing problems in your family. For example:
  • Indoor humidity should be kept below 55 percent. A dehumidifier could help. Also, remove extra moisture by using vent fans after showers and baths and, in the kitchen, while cooking.
  • Keep Fluffy and Fido and other furry pets out of the bedroom. Using a HEPA Air Cleaner could help.
  • Encase your mattresses and pillows with “mite-proof” covers and wash your bed linens regularly with hot water.
  •  Have your air conditioning and heating inspected and serviced every six months. Also, consider installing a high efficiency media filter in the unit. And be sure to change your filter regularly.

“Dust” is, by the way, a sort of all-encompassing term for a mixture of substances. Under the microscope, the composition could show dust mites, cockroaches and other pests, mold or pet dander.  And any of these elements could cause an allergic response.  But, of course, the dust in one house may be different from the dust in another.
If you’re concerned about the air in your home, we can help. We can conduct a simple indoor air quality analysis to give you the information you need to make good decisions for your family’s respiratory health. Simply go to our website and fill out the online form to schedule an appointment.