Thursday, April 17, 2014

Is Dust Causing a Problem?

It’s funny how a simple little thing like dust can cause so much trouble – especially for those prone to allergies and respiratory ailments. It can affect the quality of your indoor air as it collects, and even as it gets cleared away.

Backing up a minute, dust isn’t actually one single thing. It’s a combination of substances, including human skin cells, pet dander, fabric fibers and your basic dirt and debris. All these substances gather together to form dust which gathers on lamp shades, end tables, tops of refrigerators and pretty much everywhere else.

Your electronics like to collect dust. So does your furniture, your door frames, baseboards, even ceilings. Keeping these spots dust-free helps reduce allergies that flare up indoors.
...But How do you figure out if there is a Dust Storm in your home?

It’s not that anyone actually likes dust. But those with sensitive respiratory systems respond to it far more poorly than other people do. In fact, they might have a dust allergy. It kicks into gear after a round of vacuuming, sweeping and – yes – dusting. And the allergy signs of runny eyes, nose and sneezing pop up – or even move into asthma symptoms, such as wheezing and shortness of breath.

The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology says there are several things homeowners can do to reduce house dust allergens that are causing problems in your family. For example:
  • Indoor humidity should be kept below 55 percent. A dehumidifier could help. Also, remove extra moisture by using vent fans after showers and baths and, in the kitchen, while cooking.
  • Keep Fluffy and Fido and other furry pets out of the bedroom. Using a HEPA Air Cleaner could help.
  • Encase your mattresses and pillows with “mite-proof” covers and wash your bed linens regularly with hot water.
  •  Have your air conditioning and heating inspected and serviced every six months. Also, consider installing a high efficiency media filter in the unit. And be sure to change your filter regularly.

“Dust” is, by the way, a sort of all-encompassing term for a mixture of substances. Under the microscope, the composition could show dust mites, cockroaches and other pests, mold or pet dander.  And any of these elements could cause an allergic response.  But, of course, the dust in one house may be different from the dust in another.
If you’re concerned about the air in your home, we can help. We can conduct a simple indoor air quality analysis to give you the information you need to make good decisions for your family’s respiratory health. Simply go to our website and fill out the online form to schedule an appointment.