Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Making Sense of Maintenance

Being the intelligent reader that you are, I know you know that it makes sense to maintain a piece of equipment that represents a sizeable investment on your part. You wouldn't let anything you value sit idle, untouched, uncared for - and then expect it to perform for you year after year.

That's why maintenance of your furnace or heater makes so much sense. It preserves your investment, increases comfort and improves safety. And the way maintenance makes the very most sense is to tie the energy-saving, repair-reducing perks of a tune-up with the priority service and discounts that come from being part of a regular maintenance agreement program.

Hope you'll find out more about how you can save year after year on regular maintenance (and lots of other things). Start by taking a look at this report, The Mechanics of Furnace Maintenance. Or give us a call today to schedule the maintenance for your heating system at 978-851-2486.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Questions You’d Like to Ask Your Furnace

Do you ever get the feeling that your old furnace has a mind of its own? Sometimes it probably seems that way. These older models do appear to get more and more stubborn over time – not unlike the rest of us!

It’s as if all you’re asking is, “Can we have a little heat?” And they say, “Wait and see.”  Worse, they refuse to do what you ask, which is simply, “Will you keep me warm this winter and save on my energy bills?”

As your household systems age, how they answer these questions become less and less of a sure thing. In many cases, you can count on more and more unwelcome repairs, plus a larger use of energy. When you add it all up, oftentimes a replacement makes the most sense for your budget as well as your comfort.
If you’re in that decision-making mode about your new furnace, this free report, Making the Case When Your Furnace Doesn’t Make the Grade, tells you what to look for when it’s time to replace. Read and learn more.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Can Your Furnace Pass the “Confidence” Test?

Is your furnace good for one more season, or can you expect a collapse at the most inopportune (AKA coldest) moment possible? This is what a lot of homeowners wonder when they’ve been patching the same system for several years now. But here’s another question to consider: what could you expect if you made the decision to upgrade to a new furnace now?

Confidence is the main answer. There’s just something very “worry-free” about feeling that chill in the air and knowing that your thermostat is about to trigger all those wonderful operational sounds you’ve come to recognize as heat on its way. And pretty soon you’re wrapped in warmth and comfort.

You’ve also got the confidence that hidden problems in an old furnace aren’t about to create very real trouble in your indoor air – especially through dangerous carbon monoxide leaks.

Then there’s improved energy efficiency. Instead of cautiously keeping your thermostat set just outside your comfort range – in order to save energy dollars – a new system keeps you comfortable and saves on your energy bills.
Time takes a toll on our household systems. If you’d like to know how to make a good decision on when to upgrade, give us a call and book an appointment today at 978-851-2486, or fill out our on line form from our company website!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Why Your Heater Could Give You the Cold Shoulder

Does your home heating really have to be so sensitive? You ignore it – intentionally neglect it, even – for six months. Then when you have a real need, you ask, “How about a little heating help?” Then your system practically coughs in your face. If that.

Sounds like the two of you could use a little professional help. I’m actually not kidding about that part. Before you ask your heater or furnace to keep you toasty warm for winter, you should give it the resources it needs to do the job right. That means getting your system professionally serviced so you won’t have to worry about it breaking down during freezing temps – and you can rest easy knowing it’s operating safely for your family.

To schedule your gas heating system maintenance, please call us at 978-851-2486 or fill out our form online for service!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

If Only You Had a Crystal Ball

"Didn't see that one coming." Famous words said "after the fact," and often with sarcasm. While we may say things like "If only I had a crystal ball," the truth is, paying attentions to patterns can give you a good sense of what's ahead.

For example, as you get to know people. you can sort of predict how they'll react to work stress, social situations or even their team losing a big game. You just know what to expect because you've seen their reactions before. Same goes for things in and around your home.

For example, let's say you have a car that periodically breaks down at inopportune times. If you're looking at driving it across the country - well, you can just expect that you're going to have trouble along the way.

So what would you say about your heating system? What does the crystal ball - or, more appropriately, the patterns - tell you about when to plan for a breakdown? Not sure? Well send us an e-mail at or give us a call to set up an appointment with your "Titan fortune tellers" and we can take a look at your heating or cooling system. Fill out our online form to make your service appointment today!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Answers Are in the Questions

The Answers Are in the Questions

Sometimes, when facing decisions, the answers we seek are in the questions we ask. Well, not always directly. If you ask, “What’s for lunch?” hamburger and fries show up nowhere in those words. But it does start the thinking process about the “problem” of lunch that eventually leads to a solution (hamburger and fries).

In homeownership, you see this happening with questions that begin with, “Are these energy bills ever going to stop going up?” Or maybe you’re asking, “Does it feel too cold in here to you? Can you do something with that thermostat? How old is this thing anyway? Didn’t we have a breakdown last year too?”
When questions like these keep popping up, you know you’re heading into a decision-making mode in your home comfort. Are you there yet? Getting closer? Take a look at this info, which asks important questions about your home heating.

Are you counting on your cranky, over-the-hill heating system to keep your family warm this winter?

Why risk being left out in the cold when your "old flame" of a heating system suddenly breaks down and is diagnosed as unfixable?
Furnace breakdowns can be dangerous – especially – when there are young children or seniors at home. And according to recent advance weather forecasts, THIS YEAR is shaping up to be MUCH COLDER and snowier than last year. Today's Heating Systems: Consume Less Fuel, Heat Efficiently and Give Peace of Mind Reliability.

If you've been thinking about replacing your furnace, give us a call at 978-851-2486. Let us check out your entire heating system from top to bottom. Then you'll know if the furnace just needs a simple tune-up, some minor repairs or… if equipment replacement makes sense.